List of titles ScienceDirect Freedom Collection

Lists of titles ACS

List of titles Nature

Lists of titles Wiley

Lists of titles Springer

Lists of titles OVID



The ScienceDirect research platform provides full-text access to over 25% of the information published globally in the fields of exact sciences and humanities, technology and medicine, including some of the most important medical journals such as Cell or Lancet.



SpringerLink is one of the most used electronic resources for scientific documentation in our country. It includes specialized journals and books edited by Springer-Verlag, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Urban and Vogel, Steinkopff and Birkhäuser.


Web of Science

Web of Science is an online bibliographic and bibliometric database of scientific journals. Available on the Web of Knowledge online platform, it offers access to abstracts of over 11,220 scientific journals and 120,000 scientific conferences from 256 disciplines.



The largest database of abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed scientific literature. Scopus is dedicated to researchers from academia, corporate and government organizations who need an effective tool to search and analyze research and its impact.


American Chemical Society

Founded in 1876, the American Chemical Society is the largest scientific society in the world, representing specialists at all academic levels and fields of activity of chemistry and sciences involving fields of chemistry. From the beginning, the American Chemical Society aimed to share his professional achievements with the public audience. The American Chemical Society began publishing its flagship journal, the Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS), in April 1879. ACS publishes online journals, online books, book series from various conferences and symposia, abstract and indexing databases (Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research journals in chemical and related sciences, serving the scientific community worldwide with an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation.



The LWW Premier Journal Collection Plus is an exclusive combination of 23 premium journals published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishing, one of the leading sources of medical information, nursing, and health science, essential, relevant, and highly cited clinical journals for their research, regardless of their discipline.



The Wiley Online Library research platform provides full-text access to foreign scientific research journals in online format, without any other magnetic or paper support. At the end of July 2010, the Wiley Online Library platform was launched, replacing the Wiley InterScience platform. On the Wiley Online Library platform there are 1500 journals, over 14,000 online books, hundreds of multi-volumes of reference works, databases and other resources. Wiley Online Library provides access to over 4 million articles from over 1,500 John Wiley & Sons magazines, including Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH and Jossey imprints-Bass.



REAXYS is a Web documentation solution for researchers working in the fields of organic, organometallic and inorganic chemistry, including related disciplines, and is based on combining content from CrossFire Beilstein, Gmelin and Patent Chemistry Databases.

Reaxys is an online database, unique in the field of chemistry, comprising chemical compounds and related factual properties, information on reactions and synthesis, as well as bibliographic data, collected and displayed through an interactive interface.

Reaxys is designed to support the full range of chemistry research, including pharmaceutical development, environmental health and safety work, and materials science. Chemistry-related questions are launched from the highly intuitive search interface to quickly retrieve relevant literature, patent information, compound properties and experimental procedures.

Reaxys provides quick and easy access to experimental data, to promote chemical research, chemical discovery and science education, to finding relevant literature, retrieving precise properties of compounds and reaction data, and including this information in research workflows. Information on chemical compounds, chemical reactions, chemical properties, related bibliographic data, data on how substances are synthesized, as well as experimental procedures selected from journals and patents are available.



Online access to life sciences, physical sciences, applied sciences and clinical medicine


Oxford Medicine Online

Access to 159 health economics titles and selection of STM (science, technology, medicine)


Taylor & Francis journals

Access to selection of STM (science, technology, medicine) journals


British Medical Journals

Access to 40 titles of major medical journals in areas such as clinical specialties, public health and evidence-based medicine


Cambridge Core

Access to the selection of STM journals (science, technology, medicine)



Contains electronic books, magazines, practical guides, videos, medicine monographs, pictures


Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source

It covers all aspects of the fields of dentistry, including dental public health, endodontics, BMF surgery, oral and maxillofacial pathology/surgery/radiology, orthodontics, paediatric dentistry, periodontology and dental prosthetics. The database is updated weekly



The institutional analysis and evaluation platform provides objective indicators, based on consistent, accurate and complete metadata of publications from the Web of Science Core Collection.


Journal Citation Report

The platform offers the complete list of ISI-listed journals and statistical data on citation dynamics.



Research performance evaluation tool by analyzing data extracted from Scopus.