Repertoriul publicatiilor periodice

Reviste romanesti

Nr. Crt. Titlul publicatiei  Cota
1 Revista de chirurgie: Bulletins et memoires de la Societe de chirurgie de Bucarest 70
2 Spitalul: revista studentilor in medicina 75
3 Buletin Documentar 161
4 Buletinul Ministerului Sanatatii 165
5 Clujul medical (titlu anterior: "Ardealul medical") 174
6 Revista de obstetrica, ginecologie, puericultura 221
7 Revista de Medicina Militara 250
8 Buletinul Institutului de Balneologie 270
9 Acta Medica Romana: Revista cu aparitie lunara de medicina si chirurgie generala 349
10 Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology (fondata de I. Cantacuzino si C. Ionescu-Mihailesti) (titlu anterior: Archives Roumaines de pathologie experimentale et de microbiologie") 365
11 Revista farmaciei 420
12 Revue des sciences oto-rino-laryngologiques=Revista stiintelor otorinolaringologice: revue medicale trimestriele de specialite fonde a Cluj 467
13 Revista de Medicina Legala = Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine 471
14 Revista Medico-chirurgicala a Societatii de medici si naturalisti din Iasi 488
15 Revista Romana de Urologie 496
16 Revista muncii si prevederilor sociale (titlu anterior: "Revista muncii, sanatatii si ocrotirilor sociale") 497
17 Buletinul Demografic al Romaniei: publicatie oficiala a Ministerului Muncii, Sanatatii si Ocrotirilor sociale 514
18 Archives de Neurologie: comptes-rendus des travaux du Service de neurologie de l"Institut des maladies mentales, nerveuses et endocrinologiques de Bucarest 523
19 Natura: revista pentru raspandirea stiintei 565
20 Bulletin de la section scientifique-Academie Roumaine 579
21 Cancerul: Buletinul Institutului "Iuliu Maniu" pentru studiul si profilaxia cancerului 626
22 Noua scoala romaneasca 705
23 Revue roumaine de cardiologie 721
24 Moldova medicala 741
25 Medicina Romana 794
26 Revista Romana de Pediatrie (titlu anterior: "Pediatria") 799
27 Buletinul sanitar al Capitalei 803
28 Buletinul oficial al Asigurarilor Sociale 807
29 Revista de Radiologie si Electrologie medicala 808
30 Bulletin de la societe de therapeutique 837
31 Studii si Cercetari de fiziologie 882
32 Probleme de sanatate publica 923
33 Medicina interna 968
34 Buletin stiintific al Academiei R.P.R.: seria B: Stiinte medicale(Intre1945-47 s-a numit Bulletin de l'Academie de medecine de Roumanie) 983
35 Anuarul Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi 990
36 Ftiziologia (titlu anterior: "Revista de ftiziologie") 1025
37 Forum: Revista invatamantului superior 1056
38 Sibiul Medical 1137
39 Revista medicala a asigurarilor sociale din Oltenia: revista trimestriala de medicina generala 1269
40 Academia de Stiinte din Romania 1272
41 Buletinul Societatii de stiinte farmaceutice din Romania 1306
42 Miscarea populatiei in anul…: Extras din Buletinul Demografic 1307
43 Acta bolyaiana Facultas Medica 1485
44 Viata Medicala: saptamanal al personalului medico-sanitar 1510
45 Tribuna Invatamantului 1525
46 Studii si Cercetari de Endocrinologie (Institutul de Endocrinologie "Prof. dr. C.I. Parhon") 1532
47 Societate si Cultura 1569
48 Studii si Cercetari de Neurologie (Institutul de Neurologie "C.I. Parhon") 1613
49 Revista Bibliotecilor 1642
50 Chirurgia: revista de chirurgie si specialitati chirugicale: Revista a societatii stiintelor medicale din R.P.R. 1655
51 Studii si Cercetari de Virusologie 1656
52 Universul Cartii:Revista lunara a Ministerului Culturii si Cultelor 1679
53 Munca sanitara: Revista a Societatii de cadre medii 1693
54 Bibliografia R.P.R.: carti, albume, harti, note muzicale 1699
55 Revista de Pedagogie 1721
56 Stiinta si Tehnica 1772
57 Obstetrica si ginecologia: revista de pediatrie, obstetrica si ginecologie (titlu anterior: "Obstetrica si ginecologia: revista Societatii Stiintelor medicale") 1914
58 Buletin Eugenic si Biopolitic 1960
59 Timisoara Medicala: revista Institutului de Medicina si a Societatii Stiintelor Medicale filiala Timisoara 2015
60 Analele Academiei Romane -Memoriile sectiunii stiintifice 2044
61 Anuarul de statistica medico-sanitara al orasului Bucuresti: uz intern 2072
62 Buletin de oncologie 2197
63 Viata Medicala: organ al Ministerului Sanatatii si Societatea Stiintelor Medicale 2199
64 Studii si Cercetari de chimie 2202
65 Farmacia : organ al Ministerului Sanatatii 2213
66 Monitorul oficial al Romaniei: partea I: legi, decrete, hotariri si alte acte 2285
67 Buletin de parazitologie medicala 2327
68 Stomatologia: organ al Ministerului Sanatatii si al Societatii Stiintelor medicale 2328
69 Fiziologia=Physiology: official journal (Roumanian Society of Physiological Sciences: new series) (titlu anterior: "Fiziologia normala si patologica") 2331
70 Probleme de reumatologie 2339
71 Probleme de terapeutica 2340
72 Probleme de cardiologie 2341
73 Probleme de Antropologie 2342
74 Revista de Filosofie 2343
75 Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Biologie 2360
76 Morfologia normala si patologica: revista a Societatii stiintelor medicale din R.P.R. 2473
77 Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia (titlu anterior: "Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Virusologia") 2474
78 Radiologia: revista a Societatii Stiintelor Medicale 2476
79 Oftalmologia: revista a Societatii de Oftalmologie (titlu anterior: "Oftalmologia: revista a Societatii Stiintelor medicale 2477
80 Endocrinologia: Revista a Societatii Stiintelor Medicale din R.P.R. 2478
81 Revista Romana de O.R.L. (Societatea romana de O.R.L.) (titlu anterior: "Otorinolaringologia") 2479
82 Revista medicala a Institutului Medico-Farmaceutic din Tg.- Mures si a Societatii Stiintelor Medicale, Filala Tg.- Mures 2505
83 Studii si Cercetari stiintifice: seria stiinte medicale 2506
84 Analele Academiei Republicii Populare Romine: sesiunea stiintifica a filialei Cluj a Academiei R.P.R. in colaborare cu Universitatea "Bolyai" 2507
85 Revista Romana de neurologie (Societatea de Neurologie din Romania): (titlu anterior "Neurologia") 2509
86 Revista de Igiena si Sanatate publica 2511
87 Studii si Cercetari de Medicina 2512
88 Sanatatea (titlu anterior: "Crucea Rosie a R.P.R.") 2520
89 Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice seria: Medicina 2555
90 Dermato-venerologia: Revista a Societatii Stiintelor Medicale din R.P.R. 2581
91 Studii si Cercetari de biologie 2641
92 Antibiotice: Caiet documentar 2926
93 Anuarul Institutului de seruri si vaccinuri "Louis Pasteur" Bucuresti 2927
94 Revue de biologie 2955
95 Buletinul Sesiunii Stiintifice 25-27 febr. 2980
96 Studii si cercetari de biologie: seria: zoologie 3149
97 Studii si cercetari de biochimie 3225
98 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Seria Biologie 3308
99 Oltenia medicala: Sfatul medical stiintific al regiunii Craiova 3324
100 Sante publique: Revue internationale trimestrielle 3337
101 Catalogul colectiv al cartilor straine intrate in bibliotecile din Romania 3680
102 Repertoriul periodicelor straine abonate de bibliotecie din R.P.R. 3700
103 Revista de Psihologie 3729
104 Studii si cercetari de bibliologie 3907
105 Oncologia (titlu anterior: "Oncologia si radiologia: Revista a Societatii stiintelor medicale din R.P.R") 4021
106 Lumea 4118
107 Revue roumaine de chimie (suite de revue de chimie) 4253
108 Romanian journal of Internal Medicine 4254
109 Revue roumaine de biologie 4258
110 Studii si Cercetari de Antropologie 4263
111 Revue roumaine de virologie 4337
112 Revue roumaine des sciences sociales: serie de psychologie 4339
113 Romanian journal of biochemistry 4351
114 Romanian journal of Physiology 4352
115 Revue roumaine des sciences sociales: serie philosophie et logique 4353
116 Revue Roumaine de Neurologie et de Psychiatrie 4354
117 Revue roumaine de biologie: serie de biologie vegetale 4357
118 Studii si Cercetari de Embriologie si Citologie: seria Embriologie 4358
119 Revue roumaine d'embryologie et de cytologie: serie d'Embryologie 4359
120 Romanian journal of endocrinology( s-a transformat în Acta endocrinologica) 4360
121 Studii si Cercetari de documentare si bibliologie (Centrul de Documentare stiintifica al Academiei R.P.R. si Biblioteca Academiei R.P.R.) 4466
122 Magazin istoric 4500
123 Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie 4800
124 Biblioteconomie.Culegere de traduceri prelucrate 4895
125 Agenda medicala 5006
126 Documenta Haematologica (Ministerul Sanatatii si Prevederilor Sociale. Centrul de Hematologie 5097
127 Probleme de Informare si Documentare 5376
128 Archives of the Balkan Medical Union (fondata sub titlul: "Archives de l"Union Medicale Balkanique") 5591
129 Culegere de materiale documentare si metodologice (Ministerul sanatatii. Institutul de ftiziologie Bucuresti) 6287
130 Biblioteconomia 7356
131 Romanian journal of Morphology and Embryology 8036
132 Acta diabetologica Romana 8949
133 Informarea Documentarea 9009
134 Romanian journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics 9301
135 Analele universitatii din Craiova: seria Stiinte medicale 9413
136 Basarabia (titlu anterior: "Nistru") 9602
137 Seminars in Biophysics (Central Institute of Physics) 9631
138 Informarea si Documentarea Moderna 9816
139 Revista de actualitati medicale: Ministerul sanatatii, Centrul de documentare medicala "Dr. Dimitrie Nanu" 9820
140 Abstracte in bibliologie si stiinta informarii(A.B.S.I.) 9830
141 Romanian journal of biophysics 9859
142 Legislatia Romaniei (Parlamentul Romaniei) 9860
143 Psihologia 9894
144 Clinicile medicale ale Americii de Nord: Neurologie clinica contemporana 9906
145 Curierul sanatatii 9914
146 Medicina moderna: revista de informare medicala 9962
147 Revista Medicala Romana (Societatea Nationala de Medicina generala; Asociatia Medicala Romana) ( pe coperta: Romanian Medical Journal) 9980
148 Revista de ortopedie si traumatologie (Asociatia Medicala Romana, Societatea Romana de Ortopedie si Traumatologie) 9981
149 Revista Romana de Acupunctura (Societatea Romana de Acupunctura) 9982
150 Revista Romana de Cardiologie=Romanian Heart Journal (Societatea Romana de Cardiologie 9983
151 Jurnalul medicinei romanesti: revista de informare, cultura si practica medicala 10005
152 Infomedica: Revista de informatii medicale 10015
153 Cercetari experimentale medicochirurgicale (Universitatea de medicina si farmacie Timisoara, Centrul de medicina si chirurgie experimentala, Asociatia stiintifica "Timisoara medicala" 10016
154 Durerea: Buletin informativ al Asociatiei Romane pentru Studiul Durerii 10017
155 Actualitatea medicala 10018
156 Journal of Preventive Medicine: The Institute of Public health Iasi (titlu anterior: "Jurnal de medicina preventiva 10027
157 Medicina familiei: revista de informare a medicului de familie: Colegiul medicilor instructori de medicina familiei din Romania si Institutul de Igiena, Sanatate Publica, Serviciul de Sanatate si Conducere, Bucuresti, Centrul medical Timisoara, Compartimentul de medicina familiei si colectivitatilor 10034
158 Annals of Fundeni Hospitals: a romanian medical journal devoted to fundamental and clinical research 10035
159 Romanian journal of gastroenterology: Journal of the Romanian Societies of Gastroenterology 10036
160 Anuar ABIR 10041
161 Romania Update 10057
162 Nefrologia: periodic al Societatii Romane de Nefrologie 10058
163 Revista Bibliotecii Nationale 10060
164 Acta Medica Transilvanica (Universitatea "Lucian Blaga"-Sibiu; Institutul de Igiena si sanatate publica, Servicii de sanatate si conducere-Bucuresti; Facultatea de medicina "Victor Papilian"- Sibiu) 10062
165 Laborator clinic, Tehnica medicala: Revista medicala: revista Societatii Romane de Laborator Clinic 10075
166 Dosarele istoriei 10088
167 Analele de chirurgie plastica si microchirurgie reconstructiva: revista anuala a disciplinei de chirurgie plastica si a nucleului de cercetare microchirurgie Spitalul clinic de urgenta "Floreasca" Bucuresti 10090
168 Romanian journal of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery: official journal of the Romanian Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery 10094
169 Revista Medicala Nationala 10095
170 Buletin: Asociatia bibliotecarilor din Romania 10098
171 Terapeutica si toxicologie clinica: revista publicata in colaborare cu Societatea romana de Farmacologie Terapeutica si Toxicologie clinica, Academia de Stiinte Medicale si Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Carol Davila" 10099
172 Orizonturi medicale (editie princeps) 10100
173 Chip computer magazine 10101
174 Bibliografia cartilor in curs de aparitie (CIP) 10108
175 British journal of family planning (the): the journal of the Faculty of family planning and reproductive health care of the royal College of obstetricians an gynaecologists: editia in limba romana 10110
176 Buletin informativ pentru medici 10121
177 Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine: an International journal (titlu anterior: "Journal of medicine and biochemistry: an international journal 10124
178 Revista de economie si administratie sanitara "Prof. dr. ec. Al. Popescu": informare profesionala si stiintifica; Asociatia medicala Romana, Societatea Romana de Economie si Administratie Sanitara si Cercul de Biotehnica Medicala, Inventica medicala 10130
179 Medicina naturista 10137
180 Decizii si Hotariri ale Curtii Constitutionale 10138
181 Radioterapie si Oncologie medicala: revista Societatii Romane de Radioterapie oncologica 10147
182 Planeta net 10208
183 Academica: Revista de stiinta, cultura si arta 10209
184 Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldis" Arad (Fundatia Universitara "Vasile Goldis") 10213
185 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov: serie A 10214
186 Carti noi: Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov 10215
187 Sanatatea  noastra.Revista de educatie sanitara, bioetica si informatie si opinie. 10216
188 Fundatia pentru alimentatie sanatoasa: buletin informativ 10220
189 Hotarari ale Guvernului Romaniei si alte acte normative 10224
190 Buletinul Asociatiei medicale romane 10242
191 Pneumologia: revista Societatii Romane de Pneumologie 10263
192 Revista Romana de anestezie si terapie intensiva 10264
193 Revista de reumatologie (Asociatia Medicala Romana, Societatea Romana de Reumatologie) 10265
194 Oncologia si radioterapia (Asociatia Medicala Romana, Societatea Romana de Oncologie, Societatea Romana de Radioterapie) 10266
195 Revista Romana de boli infectioase (Societatea Romana de boli infectioase) 10267
196 Revista de recuperare, medicina fizica si balneologie (Societatea Romana de Medicina Fizica si Recuperare) 10268
197 Curier legislativ (colectie): Evidenta contabila. Gestionarea patrimoniului. Controlul economic si financiar (nr.19/2000); Controlul economic si financiar (nr.20/2001; Evidenta contabila (nr. 18/2001); Gestionarea patrimoniului (nr.19/2001) 10295
198 Revista Romana de psihiatrie: seria a III-a 10297
199 Revista Romana de osteoporoza 10298
200 Farmacia ta 10305
201 Brain Aging: international journal 10306
202 Revista societatii de Neurologie din Romania 10312
203 Sinapse: revue roumaine francophone (Liga Romana pentru Sanatate Mintala) 10314
204 Revista de Istoria farmaciei 10317
205 Scientific American: editie in limba romana 10318
206 Craiova medicala: Revista Universitatii de medicina si farmacie 10320
207 Revista de Medicina si Farmacie 10321
208 Transilvania 10322
209 Analele Universitatii "Ovidiu"- Constanta 10325
210 Revista Romana de Endocrinologie si Metabolism 10326
211 Revista pentru Educatie medicala continua 10327
212 Enciclopedia medicinei naturiste 10329
213 Revista de Expertiza medicala si recuperarea capacitatii de munca (Asociatia medicala Romana, Societatea romana de Expertiza medicala si recuperarea capacitatii de munca) 10330
214 Revista de Politica Stiintei si Sociometrie 10332
215 Romanian journal of Parasitic diseases 10333
216 Revista Romana de hepatologie: Jurnalul oficial al Asociatiei Romane pentru Studiul Ficatului 10334
217 Recensamantul populatiei si al locuintelor 10335
218 Jurnalul Roman de Diabet, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice 10336
219 Academic Annals of Diabetology 10337
220 Revista romana de Oncologie 10338
221 IATROS: periodic profesional al studentilor medicinisti/ SOMS Societatea Studentilor in Medicina Bucuresti 10339
222 Biblioteca Bucurestilor 10340
223 Revista Romana de parazitologie 10341
224 Psihiatria si Psihofarmacologia prezentului 10342
225 Proiectarea populatiei Romaniei in profil teritorial pana in anul 2025 10344
226 Revista de informare pentru medici: Jacques Delaleuf, Sinziana Mihu 10345
227 Analize demografice 10348
228 Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de jos" - Medicina 10352
229 Situatia demografica a copiilor si tinerilor in perioada 1990-3003: Institutul National de Statistica 10358
230 Historia 10361
231 Anuar de statistica sanitara: Ministerul Sanatatii si Familiei, Centrul de calcul, Statistica sanitara si documentare medicala 10362
232 Revista romana de statistica 10363
233 Revista de Microbiologie Clinica si Boli Infectioase(MBI):Infectii fungice Sistemice 10366
234 Ars Medica Tomitana 10367
235 Clasificarea activitatilor din economia nationala  - CAEN REV 1 10368
236 Tendinte sociale 10369
237 Starea Sociala si Economica a Romaniei in anul 2003 10370
238 Activitatea Unitatilor Sanitare in anul 2004 10371
239 de informare specializata 10372
240 de informare specializata 10375
241 de informare specializata) 10378
242 Revista romana de bioetica( Romanian journal of bioethics) 10379
243 Romania in cifre 10384
244 Activitatea de cercetare- dezvoltare in anul 2004 10385
245 Imbatranirea populatiei Romaniei in perioada 1992-2004 10387
246 Sistemul educational in Romania-Date sintetice 10388
247 10389
248 Anale Stiintifice ale USM"Nicolae Testemitanu" 10391
249 Cercetare - dezvoltare si inovare in Romania 10395
250 Jurnalul de chirurgie toracica 10396
251 Infectio. Ro 10398
252 Pneumo. Ro: Revista de Informare pt. Medicii Pneumologi 10399
253 Revista Spitalului "Elias" 10400
254 Cardio.Ro: Revista de Informare Specializata 10402
255 The Romanian Anti-Aging Magazine 10405
256 Revista Romana de Stroke (AVC) 10406
257 Maedica: A Journal of Clinical Medicine 10412
258 Journal of medicine and life 10415
259 Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Onclogy 10422
260 Durerea acuta si cronica: Revista Asociatiei Romane pentru Studiul Durerii 10017A
261 Medical Update: publicatie sub licenta Reed Business Information, U.K. (titlu anterior: "Romania Update" 10057A
262 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov: serie B 10214A
263 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy: series B: chemistry, life sciences and geosciences 10219B
264 Revista Romana de Sanatate Mintala: LSRM 10314A
265 Conexiuni/Connections: Buletin informativ LSMRM 10314B
266 Psihiatria azi: Liga Romana pentru Sanatate Mintala 10314C
267 Evolutia populatiei oraselor mari din Romania in perioada 1990-2004 10335 C
268 Structura resurselor de munca la recensamintele din 1992 si 2002 10335 D
269 Monografia recensamantului populatiei si al locuintelor (18 martie 2002) 10335A
270 Population and housing census(march 18,2002):general results-population,households,dwellings 10335B
271 Proiectarea populatiei scolare 2005-2025 10335E
272 Clasificarea produselor si serviciilor asociate activitatilor-CPSA 2002 10368A
273 Produse si servicii pe clase de activitate CAEN REV 1 si CPSA 2002 10368B
274 Romania in figures-Romania in cifre(ed. in limba engleza) 10384A
275 Bibliografia Nationala: articole din publicatii periodice: cultura 1699A
276 Bibliografia Romaniei: publicatii oficiale/B.N.R./1992 1699B
277 Bibliografia Nationala Romana: seria Romanica 1699C
278 Bibliografia Nationala Romana: teze de doctorat 1699D
279 Bibliografia Nationala a Romaniei: publicatii seriale 1699E
280 Viata medicala (cadre medii sanitare) 2199A
281 Buletinul oficial al R.S.R: partea a II-a: Lucrarile Marii Adunari Nationale 2285 A
282 Actele publicate in "Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei" 2285 C
283 Buletinul oficial al R.S.R: partea a III-a 2285B
284 Biblioteca: revista de bibliologie si stiinta informarii 2319A
285 Studii si Cercetari de Medicina Interna 2340A
286 Revista romana de medicina muncii: Revista a Societatii romane de  medicina muncii 2511A
287 Studii si Cercetari stiintifice 2512B
288 Studii si Cercetari de biologie: seria stiinte biologice, agricole si medicale (titlu anterior: "Studii si cercetari stiintifice") 2512D
289 British Medical Journal: editia in limba romana 26A
290 Journal of  American Medical Association (editie in limba romana) (JAMA) 308B
291 Studii si cercetari de biologie: seria: botanica 3149A
292 Repertoriul periodicelor straine din R.S.R. (abonamente) 3700A
293 Repertoriul periodicelor straine din R.S.R. (schimb international) 3700D
294 Acta Endocrinologica (titlu anterior "Bulletins et memoires de la Societe roumaine d'endocrinologie"): Revista Societatii Romane de endocrinologie 387 B
295 Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, O.R.L., oftalmologie, stomatologie: seria  Radiologie 4021A
296 Studii si cercetari de Embriologie si Citologie: seria citologie 4358A
297 Revue roumaine d'embryologie et de cytologie: serie Cytologie 4359A
298 Carti straine: seria Educatie, Invatamant 4612G
299 Buletin informativ: aspecte demografice 514A
300 Annals of West University of Timisoara: series biology = Analele Universitatii din Timisoara: seria biologie 5333B
301 Spitalul: revista editata de Liga studentilor in medicina fondata in 1881; serie noua 75A
302 Spitalul S.S.M.B.: revista a Societatii Studentilor in medicina din Bucuresti fondata in 1881: serie noua 75B
303 Buletin European: Noi Tracii 8749A
304 Buletin de informare documentara in cultura.Seria:Bibliologie 9553A
305 Revue des sciences medicales 968A
306 Anuarul statistic al R.S.R 995A
307 Revista de pediatrie vezi Revista romana de pediatrie

Reviste straine

Titlul publicatiei Cota P
1 Annales de L'Institut "Pasteur" ( Microbiologie) 2
2 Journal d'urologie: organe officiel de l'Association francaise d'urologie 6
3 Annales d'Oto-laringologie et de Chirurgie cervico-faciale 7
4 Annals of surgery 8
5 Pflugers Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 12
6 Beitrage fur patologischen Anatomie und Physiologie und zur allgemeine Pathologie 24
7 Biologisches Zentralblatt 25
8 British Medical Journal 26
9 Bulletin de l'Academie Nationale de Medecine 27
10 Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur 28
11 Bulletin de la societe francaise de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie 29
12 Chirurgie (anterior: "Memoires de l'Academie de chirurgie") 31
13 Annales de Medecine Interne 32
14 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskranheiten: originale 33
15 Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie 36
16 Zentralblatt fur Gynakologie 37
17 Comptes rendus des seances de la Societe de biologie et des ses filiales et associees 39
18 Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift 41
19 Presse medicale 51
20 Anatomical record (The) 54
21 Revue de chirurgie orthopedique et reparatrice de l'appareil moteur: organe de la Societe francaise de chirurgie orthopedique et traumathologique (anterior: "Revue d'orthopedie et de chirurgie de l'appareil moteur" 61
22 Revue des maladie respiratoires: organe official de la Societe de pneumologie de lanque francaise (titlu anterior: "Revue francaise des maladies respiratoires") 62
23 Revue neurologique: organe officielle de la Societe francaise de neurologie 67
24 Lancet: a journal of British and foreign medicine, surgery, obstetrics, physiology, chemistry, pharmacology,public health and neurology 76
25 Journal of infectious diseases: an official publ. of the Infectious diseases Society of America 78
26 Journal of physiology(the) 79
27 Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 98
28 Naunyn Schmiedebergs Archiv fur pharmakologische und experimentelle Pathologie (titlu anterior: Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologie) 100
29 Gynaecologia: international montly review of obstetric and gynecology 101
30 Medizinische Klinik: Wochenschrift fur praktische Arzte 105
31 American Journal of Physiology (The) 111
32 American Journal of the Medical sciences (The) 118
33 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der rontgenstrahlen verenigt mit RONTGENPRAXIS 119
34 Journal of Anatomy (titlu anterior: "Journal of anatomy and physiology") 123
35 Lyon chirurgical 127
36 Annales d'oculistique 132
37 Journal de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques a l'usage des medecins praticiens 135
38 Journal de chirurgie: revue critique 137
39 Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur Klinische und experimentelle ophthalmologie. 142
40 Annales Medico-Psychologiques, Alienation mentale, Nevroses et Medecine legale des alienes 176
41 Gynecologie et Obstetrique 182
42 Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique (titlu anterior: "Archives des maladies de l'appareil digestif et de la nutrition") 184
43 Studies from the Rockefeller Institute for medical research 189
44 Journal of experimental medicine (the) 191
45 Tohoku journal of experimental medecine 196
46 Archives of Surgery 209
47 Archives of internal medecine 213
48 Archives des maladies du coeur des vaisseaux et du sang 233
49 Journal de radiologie 237
50 Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie exotique 246
51 Archives d'Ophthalmologie 253
52 Acta Oto-laringologica 257
53 Zeitschrift fur Neurologie (titlu anterior: "Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Nervenheilkunde") 262
54 American Journal of Roentgenology (titlu anterior: "The American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy") 281
55 American Review of respiratory diseases (The) (titlu anterior: "The American Review of Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases") 283
56 Journal of biological chemistry 284
57 Endocrinology: the bulletin of the Association for study of internal secretions 290
58 Journal of general physiology (the) 292
59 European Journal of Clinical investigation (titlu anterior: "Archiv fur klinische Medizin) 300
60 Immunology and cell biology 302
61 Journal of immunology (the) 303
62 Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine (the) 304
63 Physiological reviews 305
64 Journal of  American Medical Association (J.A.M.A.) 308
65 Memoires de l'Institute Oswaldo Cruz 344
66 Journal of pathology and bacteriology: the official journal of the pathological society of Great Britain and Ireland 367
67 Medicine: analytical reviews of general medicine, neurology and pediatrics 368
68 Rockfeller foundation: president review: annual report 369
69 Journal of bacteriology: official organ of the Society of American Bacteriologists 383
70 Statistiquue epidemiologiques et demographiques annuelles= Annual epidemiological and vital statistics 390
71 Journal francais de medecine et chirurgie thoraciques 402
72 Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie und ihrer Grenzgebiete 409
73 Minerva medica: gazzetta settimanale per il medico pratico 434
74 American journal of gastroenterology (titlu anterior: "The Review of gastroenterology") 494
75 Kumamoto medical journal (the) 503
76 Nagoya journal of medical science (the) (titlu anterior: "The Aichi journal of experimental") 534
77 Proceedings of the japan Academy 554
78 American journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 561
79 Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde 571
80 Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Scandinavica 577
81 Acta orthopedica Scandinavica 578
82 Bulletin de la Section Scientifique de l'Academie 579
83 Revue du rhumatisme et des maladies osteo-articulaires: organe officielle de la Societe francaise de rhumatologie 662
84 Japanese journal of experimental medicine (the) 665
85 Acta obstetrica et gynecologica Scandinavica 669
86 Journal of pediatrics (the): official organ for the American Academy of pediatrics 676
87 Chirurg (Der): Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizin 689
88 American Journal of Surgery (The) 726
89 American journal of Ophthalmology 728
90 Annals of Othology, Rhinology and Laryngology (The) 729
91 Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery (titlu anterior: "Journal of thoracic surgery") 732
92 Archives de Pediatrie (titlu anterior: "Archives francaise de Pediatrie") 735
93 Therapie: revue de therapeutique et de pharmacodynamie 744
94 Releve epidemiologique hebdomadaire: weekley epidemiological record 746
95 Archives of dermatology 764
96 American journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (titlu anterior: "Americal Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery") 765
97 Archives of Ophthalmology 767
98 Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 768
99 American journal of epidemiology ( titlu anterior: "Americam  Journal of Hygiene") 769
100 Journal of urology: Official journal of the American urological Association and Society for basic urological research 771
101 Archives of Pathology and Laboratory medecine 773
102 Post-graduate medical journal (the) 781
103 Annals of Internal Medicine 782
104 American heart journal (The) 783
105 Surgery: a montly journal to the art and science of surgery 789
106 American Journal of Psychiatry (The) 790
107 Journal of neurophysiology 791
108 Journal of neurosurgery 792
109 Chronique O.M.S.: Chronique de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante 795
110 Journal of  American College of surgeons (titlul anterior "Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics") 809
111 American journal of clinical pathology 814
112 Journal of abnormal and social psychology (the) 816
113 Human biology- a record of research 817
114 Archives des maladies professionnelles de Medecine du Travail et de Securite sociale 851
115 Annales d'Endocrinologie: Bulletin officiel de la Societe d'Endocrinologie 855
116 Recueil international sanitaire 875
117 American journal of diseases of children 889
118 Presse thermale et climatique 891
119 Annales de Biologe Clinique 894
120 Arhiv patologhii 902
121 American Journal of Public Health and Nation's Health 915
122 Vestnic oto-rino-laringologhii 917
123 Revue francaise de gynecologie et d'obstetrique 931
124 Biochemical Journal 940
125 Acta physiologica Scandinavica 966
126 Journal of internal medicine (titlu anterior: "Acta medica Scandinavica") 969
127 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): La semaine medicale 975
128 Journal of allergy and clinical immunology (titlu anterior: "Journal of Allergy") 979
129 Bulletin du Cancer: Journal de la Societe francaise du Cancer 1004
130 Gazette medicale de France et des pays de langue francaise 1066
131 Journal of laryngology and otology 1158
132 Practitioner 1191
133 Aesculape: Revue mensuelle illustree 1206
134 Gebursthilfe und Frauenheilkunde 1254
135 Serie de Rapports techniques: Organisation mondiale de la Sante 1308
136 Medecine infantile (la): revue pratique internationale 1342
137 Proceedings of the National Acedemy of sciences of the United States of America 1420
138 Public health reports: public health service 1459
139 Journal of nervous and mental disease (the) 1493
140 Journal of organic chemistry (the) 1494
141 Journal of  Royal Society of medecine (anterior: "Proceedings of the Royal Society of medecine") 1495
142 Acta clinica Belgica 1497
143 Bulletin de l'Organisation Mindiale de la Sante 1538
144 Acta anatomica: International archives of anatomy, histology, embriology and cytology 1542
145 Revue de laryngologie, otologie, rhinologie 1545
146 Folia morphologica: Bulletin de la Societe polonaise d'anatomie et de zoologie 1548
147 British Journal of surgery 1550
148 British Journal of Urology 1556
149 Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica 1559
150 Acta chirurgica Belgica 1560
151 Acta Societatis Medicorum Uppsaliensis 1591
152 Chinese medical journal(the): official organ of the chinese medical association 1603
153 Ophthalmologica: journal international d'ophtalmologie 1632
154 Zentralblatt fur Neurochirurgie/Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Neurochirurgie 1640
155 Annales Universitatis Marie Curie Sklodowska: seria medicina 1660
156 American journal of digestiv diseases (The) (Digestive diseasea and sciences) 1737
157 Archivio di psicologia neurologia e psichiatria 1753
158 Evolution Psychiatrique 1754
159 Revista de neuro-psihiatria 1781
160 Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1786
161 Gaceta medica de Mexico: organ de la Academia Nacional de Medicina 1792
162 Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medecine 1991
163 Nature 2064
164 Obstetrics and gynecology: The American college of obstetricians and gynecologists 2077
165 Homeopathie francaise 2083
166 Mayo clinics Proceedings (titlu anterior: "Proceedings of the staff meetings of the Mayo clinic") 2112
167 Acta neurologica Belgica 2113
168 British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2120
169 Revue du praticien (La): monographie: Journal d'enseignement post-universitaire pathologie renal 2205
170 Concours medical: Organe hebdomadaire des praticiens 2216
171 Bulletin et memoires de la societe internationale d'histoire de la medecine 2347
172 Transactions of the Royal Society of tropical medecine and hygiene 2348
173 Journal of medical investigation (the) (titlu anterior "The Tokushima journal of experimetal medicine") 2453
174 Danish medical bulletin: a survey of danish medicine 2482
175 British journal of psychiatry (the journal of mental science) 2568
176 Anesthesie, analgesie, reanimation: organ officiel de la Societe Francaise d'Anesthesie et d'Analgesie 2597
177 Revue medicale de Liege 2645
178 Acta Tropica: Zeitschrift fur Tropenwissenschaften und Tropenmedizin 2649
179 Medecine tropicale: revue du corps de sante colonial: annales de medecine et de pharmacie coloniales 2680
180 Revue internationale des services de sante des armees de terre, de mer et de l'air (titlu anterior: "Revue internationale des services de sante des forces armees") 2689
181 Arzneimittel Forschung  (Drug research): titlu anterior "Arzneimittel Forschung und der Pharnakologischen Abteilung der Asts-Werke A.G. 2715
182 Radiologia medica (La): Organo ufficiale della Societa Italiana di Radiologia medica 2717
183 Parasitica: organ de l'Asociation pour les etudes et recherches de Zoologie 2734
184 Annales des chirurgie plastique: organ de la Societe francaise de chirurgie plastique et reconstructive publiees par la "Semaine des hopitaux" avec la concours d'un Comite de membres fondateurs 2753
185 Revue de Neuropsychiatrie infantile et d"hygiene mentale de l'enfance 2767
186 British journal of ophthalmology 2784
187 British heart journal 2786
188 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2796
189 Arquivos de Neuro-psiquiatria 2804
190 Archives of disease in childhood 2829
191 Phlebologie: bulletin de la societe francaise de phlebologie 2832
192 Anesthesiology: The journal of the American Society of Anesthesiology 2866
193 Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique (titlu anterior: "Revue d'Hygiene et de la medecine sociale") 2881
194 Folia Parasitologica: Cekoslovenska parasitologic 2893
195 Surgical clinics of North America (titlu anterior: "The Surgical clinics of Chicago") 2895
196 Annual Review of Microbiology 2902
197 Annals of the rheumatic diseases 2910
198 Thorax (The Thorax Society) 2918
199 Acta Paediatrica: an International journal of paediatrics 2928
200 Ophthalmology.The journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology 2956
201 Blood: the journal of American Society of hematology 2975
202 Year book of endocrinology metabolism and nutrition 2992
203 Journal of clinical investigation 3007
204 Radiology: a montly journal devoted to clinical radiology and allied sciences 3015
205 British journal of haematology 3064
206 Revista de investigacion clinica.RIC 3093
207 Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia e hematologia 3100
208 British journal of radiology (the) 3133
209 Bulletin. American College of Surgeons 3142
210 Medical Clinics of North America (the) 3145
211 Giornale italiano di dermatologia e venereologia./organo ufficiale della societa italiana di dermatologia e venereologia 3147
212 Journal of  National Cancer Institute (a absorbit "Cancer treatment reports") 3209
213 Anesthesia: journal of the Association of Anesthesisits of Great Britain and Ireland 3231
214 Psychiatria et Neurologia: Internationale Monatschrift fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie 3239
215 Revue internationale du trachome 3249
216 Dakar Medical (titlu anterior: "Bulletin medical de l'A.O.F." 3274
217 Pharmacological reviews: a quarterly publication in pharmacology, experimental therapeutics and chemotherapy 3278
218 Journal of integrative plant biology( titlul anterior: Acta botanica sinica) 3283
219 Psychopharmacologia 3305
220 Annual Review of Biochemistry 3307
221 Circulation: official journal of the American Heart Association 3315
222 Year book of pediatrics 3319
223 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 3321
224 Poumon (Le). Le poumon et le coeur: Revue de pathologie et de therapeutique medico-chirurgicale. Revue de pneumologie clinique 3327
225 British medical bulletin 3352
226 Journal de medecine legale, Droit medical, Victimologie, Dommage corporel = Journal of forensic medecine (titlu anterior: "Journal de medecine legale, Droit medicale") 3390
227 Cancer: a journal of the American Cancer Society 3394
228 American journal of clinical nutrition 3397
229 Clinical Simposia 3405
230 Gastroenterology: official publication of the American gastroenterological Association 3411
231 Medecine et armee 3451
232 Geriatrics: devoted to diseases and proceses of ageing 3466
233 Psychosomatic medicine: journal of the American Psychosomatic Society 3494
234 Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism: official journal of the Federation of European Nutrition 3516
235 Histoire de la medecine 3540
236 Special libraries: special libraries Association 3550
237 Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 3559
238 Diabetes: a journal of the Americal diabetes Association 3561
239 Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation 3572
240 Biochemical and biophysical research communications 3630
241 Archives of general psychiatry 3638
242 Bulletin de l'UNESCO a l'intention des bibliotheques: Revue de l'UNESCO pour la science de l'information, la bibliotheconomie et l'archivistique 3657
243 Laryngoscope: A montly journal on diseases of the ear-nose-throat 3660
244 Cancer research: the official organ of the American Associacion for Cancer Research 3688
245 Tuberculosis (titlu anterior: "Tubercle and lung diseases" 3697
246 Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism 3705
247 Science: American Association for the advacement of science 3737
248 Annales chirurgiae et gynecologiae fenniae 3783
249 Hansenologia internationalis 3785
250 Journal of cardiovascular surgery: Bimontly review; Official journal of the International Cardiovascular Society 3806
251 International archives of Allergy and Immunology. Incorporating the transactions of the Collegium internationale allergologicum and the proceedings of the international association of asthmology and of national allergy societies 3848
252 Acta haematologica: International journal of haematology. Organ officiel de la Societe europeene d'hematologie 3850
253 Dermatology/ An international journal for clinical and investigative dermatology 3866
254 Agressologie: Organe officielle de l'aneshesiologists francais 3873
255 American journal of medicine 3880
256 New England journal of medicine (The): formerly The Boston medical and surgical journal 3883
257 Chest: official publication of the American College of chest physicians (titlu anterior:"Diseases of the chest") 3889
258 Journal of neurochemistry 3892
259 Montpeliensis Hipocrates: revue de la Societe Montpellieraine d'histoire de la medecine 3894
260 British journal of cancer 3896
261 Circulation research: official journal of the American Heart Association 3931
262 Hematology and cell therapy: official organ of French Society of bone marrow-trasplantation; official international organ of the French. Soc.of hemat. (titlu anterior: "Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie") 3943
263 Cellular and Molecular Biology (titlu anterior: "Annales d'Histochimie") 3959
264 Pediatrics: official publication of the American Academy of pediatrics 3971
265 Annales Internationales de Criminologie 3994
266 Advances in genetics 4006
267 Revista brasileira de anestesiologia: orgao oficial da Sociedade brasileira de anestesiologia 4013
268 Journal of morphology 4041
269 Journal of surgical research 4059
270 Tropical medicine and parasitology ( titlu anterior: "Zeitschrift fur Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie") 4067
271 Angeiologie: Revue internationale de Documentation Scientifique 4068
272 Acta medica Okayama 4093
273 Canadian medical association journal 4108
274 Metabolism clinical and experimental 4127
275 American journal of pathology (The) 4128
276 Hiroshima: journal of medical science 4147
277 Journal of applied physiology 4153
278 Acta neurologica Scandinavica 4159
279 Archives of environmental health 4160
280 Analitical Biochemistry 4161
281 Coeur et medicine interne:clinique de l'Hopital Broussais la Charite, Paris 4163
282 Clinical Chemistry: Journal of the Americam Association of clinical chemists (titlu anterior" "Clinical Chemist") 4167
283 Acta cytologica: the jounal of exfoliative cytology 4182
284 Archives of Neurology: Official Organ American of the neurological Association 4184
285 Medecine et hygiene: journal d'information medicales 4198
286 Toxicology and applied pharmacology: official organ of the Society of Toxicology 4199
287 Radiation research: official organ of the Radiation Research Society 4206
288 Revue francaise d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique (titlu anterior: "Revue francaise s'allergologie") 4209
289 Journal of molecular biology 4234
290 Pediatric clinics of North America: clinical advances 4239
291 American journal of cardiology 4249
292 Plastic and reconstructive surgery: journal of the American society of plastic and reconstructive surgery: official organ of the American Association of plastic surgeons 4260
293 Journal of theoretical biology 4270
294 International journal of technology assessment in health care 4280
295 Experimental cell research 4282
296 Biophysical Journal 4287
297 Scientific american 4300
298 Acta radiologica: edita issu Societatum radiologicarum Daniae, Fenniae, Norvegiae et Suediae 4309
299 Journal of  international college of surgeons (the) 4310
300 Medecine/Sciences: revue internationale de biologie et de medecine 4313
301 British Journal of Plastic Surgery 4314
302 Folia histochemica et cytochemica: official journal of the polish histochemical and cytochemical society 4323
303 Biometrische Zeitschrift: Zugleich Organ der Deutschen Region der internat. biometr. Gesellschaft 4332
304 Neuro-chirurgie: travaux publies par la societe de neuro-chirurgie de langue francaise 4340
305 Annales de Cardiologie et d'angeiologie 4381
306 Annals of The Royal College of surgeons of England 4385
307 Biochemical pharmacology 4387
308 Psychological review 4392
309 Immunology: official journal of the British Society for immunology 4400
310 Clinica, chimica acta: International journal of clinical chemistry 4410
311 American journal of human genetics (The): American society of human genetics 4425
312 Nephron: journal de la Societe international de nepftologie 4427
313 Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation: Official Journal  American Congr. of Phys. Med. and Rehabil. 4431
314 European Journal of Endocrinology: official j. of the european Federation of Endocrinology Societies (titlu anterior:" Acta endocrinologica") 4437
315 Biometrics: Journal of the Biometric society 4442
316 Experimental and Molecular Pathology 4444
317 Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene: concerning medical, surgical and health work in warm countries 4447
318 Medical history: a quarterly journal devoted to the history and bibliograpfy of medicine and the related sciences 4491
319 American journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation 4492
320 Journal of investigative dermatology (the): official organ of the Society for investigative dermatology 4509
321 Revue de medicine de Tours: publication de l'Ecole National de medecine et de pharmacie de Tours (titlu anterior: "Revue medicale de Tours") 4539
322 Journal of cell biology: formerly the journal of biphysical and biochemical cytology 4581
323 Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry: official journal of the histichemical society 4593
324 Planned parenthood in Europe: regional information bulletin 4723
325 Roczniki Akademii medycznej im. Juliana Marchlewskieg w Bialymstoku: Annales Akademiae medicae Bialistocensis 4795
326 Audiology: J. of Auditory Communication: official Organ of the international Society of Audiology 4801
327 Experimental parasitology 4809
328 Diabetologia: organ of the european Association for the study of diabetes 4824
329 Neuroendocrinology: international journal for basic clinical studies on neuroendocrine relationships 4863
330 Annales d"hygiene de langue francaise: serie nutrition et dietetique (titlu anterior: "Medecine et Nutrition") 4866
331 Respiratory physiology 4941
332 Brain research: International multidisciplinary journal devoted to fundam. research in the brain sciences 4949
333 Bulletin des Societes d'ophtalmologie de France(BSOP) 4972
334 Journal of clinical epidemiology: formerly, "Journal of chronic diseases" 4989
335 Journal of forensic sciences: the official publ. of the american Academy of Forensic Sciences 4990
336 Epilepsia: journal of the international league against epilepsy 5004
337 Revue de l'infirmiere et de l'assistante sociale: revue de documentation technique et d'informations professionnelles publie sous la direction technique des medecins chirurgiens et specialistes des hopitaux de Paris; sous le patronage de la Criox rouge francaise (fondatrice) et de l'assistance publique de Paris: organe de Association Nationale des Infirmieres Francaises Diplomees d'Etat 5022
338 Journal of  Royal college of physicians of London 5087
339 American journal of Nephrology 5094
340 New Scientist 5127
341 Journal of cell science: formerly the quarterly journal of microscopical science 5137
342 American Journal of Tropical medicine and Hygiene (The) 5206
343 Annals of Tropical medicine and parasitology 5236
344 Folia Primatologica: international journal of primatology 5282
345 Journal of nuclear medicine: official publ. of society of nuclear medicine 5290
346 Applied microbiology: a publication of the American Society for Microbiology 5309
347 Journal of gerontology 5317
348 Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology: published by the Society for the publication of "Acta chirurgica Scandinavica" 5364
349 Scandinavian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery: published by the Society for the publ. "Acta chirurgica Scandinavica" 5365
350 Bulletin de l'Academie et de la Societe lorraine des sciences 5388
351 Canadian Journal of physiology and pharmacology 5394
352 Bulletin de la Societe des antiquaires de Picardie 5401
353 Boletin de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nacion 5408
354 Giornale di gerontologia: organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di gerontologia e geriatria 5409
355 Journal of clinical pharmacology 5414
356 Neurology: official journal of the American Acedemy of neurology 5436
357 Journal of medical genetics 5546
358 Journal of general virology (the) 5589
359 Arthritis and rheumatism: official Journal of the American Rheumatologists Association 5597
360 International journal of group psychotherapy: official publication of the American group psychotherapy Association 5603
361 American Surgeon (The) 5608
362 Journal of parasitology: official organ of the American Society of Parasitologists 5614
363 European Journal of Biochemistry 5617
364 Fertility and sterility 5618
365 Journal of  history of medicine and allied sciences 5641
366 Pneumologie (titlu anterior: "Praxis des pneumologie vereinigt mit Der Tuberkulosearzt") 5646
367 Canadian Journal of microbiology 5654
368 Orvostorteneti Kozlemenyek: Communicationes de Historia Artis Medicinae 5708
369 Journal of  american geriatrics society 5743
370 Annales d'Urologie 5764
371 Kinesitherapie 5766
372 Annual Review of Medicine 5799
373 Clinical and Experimental Immunology 5866
374 Annals of clinical Research 5872
375 F.E.B.S. Letters for the rapid publication of short reports in bichemistry, biphysics and molecular biology 5875
376 General and comparative endocrinology: an international journal 5899
377 Journal of occupational medicine:official publ. of the Industrial Medical Asoociation 5920
378 Canadian Journal of Surgery 6023
379 Nursing Times 6084
380 Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 6103
381 International journal of cancer: publication of the International Union against Cancer 6116
382 Cahiers d'O.R.L. et de chirurgie cervico-faciale: Revue d'enseignement post-universitaire 6154
383 Calcified Tissue research 6194
384 Biochemistry 6237
385 Histochemical Journal 6306
386 Medical journal of Australia (the) 6347
387 Anesthesia and analgesia 6447
388 World Health Statistics annual=Annuaire de statistique sanitaire mondiale 6470
389 GUT: the journal of the British Society of gastroenterology 6479
390 European Surgical Research 6480
391 Archives of medical research 6507
392 International journal of leprosy and other microbacterial diseases 6555
393 Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 6575
394 Alcohol and Alcoholism 6660
395 Journal of tropical pediatrics(the) 6661
396 Journal of endocrinology (the): the official journal of the society for endocrinology 6751
397 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 6823
398 Psychiatria Fennica= Finnish psychiatry= Suomalaista psykiatriaa: Yearbook of the Psychiatric clinic of the Helsinki University Central Hospital 6875
399 Pathology: journal of the college of pathologists of Australia 6978
400 Cahiers de nutrition et de dietetique 6991
401 Survey of ophtalmology.International review journal 6992
402 Journal of trauma 6993
403 Annales de gastroeneterologie et hepatologie 6999
404 Transplantation (titlu anterior: "Transplantation bulletin") 7008
405 Central African Journal of Medicine 7207
406 Journal of biomedical informatics(formerly "Computers and Biomedical research"1995-2000) 7208
407 Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism 7210
408 Thoraxchirurgie und Vaskulare chirurgie 7312
409 Medecine et chirurgie digestives 7316
410 Journal of membrane biology 7396
411 Journal of international medical research 7442
412 Libri oncologici: casopis kancerologa Jugoslavije 7443
413 Medicina e morale 7645
414 Hospital Practice 7706
415 Journal of Virology: a publication of the American Society for Microbiology 7902
416 Journal de gynecologie, obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction 7988
417 Psychologie medicale 7989
418 Medical Education (titlu anterior: "British journal of medical education") 8033
419 British Journal of Hospital Medecine 8034
420 Kidney international: official journal of the international society of nephrology 8050
421 Current Medical Research and Opinion 8052
422 European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology 8086
423 Cellular Immunology: an international journal 8094
424 Annals of the Thoracic Surgery: Official Journal of the Society of the thorax surgical and the southern thorax surgical Association 8097
425 Revue francaise de medecine traditionnelle chinoise 8107
426 Endoscopy: journal for clinical use, biopsy and technique 8150
427 Immunogentics 8368
428 Journal of pediatric surgery 8394
429 Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 8411
430 Year book of drug therapy 8609
431 Allergologia et immunopathologia 8701
432 Encyclopedie medico-chirurgicale: instantanees medicaux 8779
433 Journal of librarianship 8841
434 Journal francais d'ophtalmologie.Organe d'expression de la Societe francaise d'ophtalmologie 8943
435 Infection and immunity 9031
436 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy: American Society for Microbiologie 9032
437 Annales de Kinesitherapie: Organe officiel de la Society de Kinesitherapy 9034
438 Surgical radiologic anatomy.Journal of clinical anatomy 9035
439 Revue francaise de gastroenterologie 9044
440 Urology 9045
441 Physiology and behavior 9049
442 World journal of surgery: official journal of the international Society of surgery (titlu anterior: Bulletin de la Societe internationale de chirurgie") 9057
443 Obstetrical and gynecological survey 9080
444 Thrombosis et diathesis haemorrhagica: the journal of blood coagulation 9083
445 Southern medical journal: journal of the Southern medical association 9085
446 Journal of computer assisted tomography (Computed tomography): a radiological journal dedicated to the basic and clinical aspects of transm.and emiss. reconst. tomogr. 9093
447 Journal of clinical ultrasound 9095
448 Journal of electron microscopy: quarterly by japanese society of elelctron microscopy 9096
449 Progress in neurology and psychiatry: an annual review 9100
450 Journal of electrocardiology: an international publ. for the study of the electrical phenomena related to the heart 9102
451 Immunological reviews (titlu anterior: "Transplantation reviews") 9103
452 Journal of molecular medicine: an international journal unifying clinical medicine and molecular biology 9109
453 Journal of clinical microbiology 9114
454 Neuropsychology: international journal for basic and clinical studies in psychiatric research 9122
455 Revue medicale de Bruxelles: publiee par l'Association des medcins anciens etudiants de l"Universite libre de Bruxelles (serie noua) 9134
456 Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America (continua "Clinics in obstetrics and gynecology") 9164
457 Ophtalmic research.Journal for research in experimental and clinical ophtalmology 9184
458 International family planning perspectives 9199
459 Forum mondial de la sante: revue international de developpement sanitaire (OMS) 9250
460 Clinical infectious diseases: medical microbiology, clinical immunology, epidemiology: official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 9257
461 Micron: the international journal of electron microscopy, electron probe micro-analysis and associated techniques 9278
462 Journal of rheumatology: a quarterly international journal 9364
463 Colo-proctology: International edition 9417
464 Ophthalmologe:Zeitschrift der deutschen ophthalmologischen gessellschaft 9460
465 Ophtalmic & Physiological optics.Journal of the british college of ophtalmic opticians(optometrists) 9495
466 Congenital Anomalies: official journal of the Japanese Teratology Society 9518
467 Croix-Rouge; Croissant-Rouge 9529
468 Acta endoscopica 9543
469 American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulation Physiology 9549
470 Nursing clinics of North America 9588
471 Revue de geriatrie (La) 9634
472 Reanimation. Soins intensifs. Medecine d'urgence: publie sous l'egide de la Societe de reanimation de lanque francaise 9636
473 Annales de chirurgie de la main: organe officiel des Societe de Chirurgie de la Main 9638
474 Nouvelles dermatologiques (les): Journal international 9639
475 Age and ageing: the journal of the British geriatrics society for research on ageing/C 9655
476 Journal of clinical anesthesia: an international journal of anesthesia practice 9656
477 American Family physician 9660
478 Annals of Emergency Medicine: Journal of the American College of Emergencie Physiology and the Society for Acad. Emerg. Med. 9661
479 Laboratory medicine: an official publication of the American Society of clinical pathologists 9663
480 American Journal of Surgical Pathology (The) 9664
481 Pediatric pathology: journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology 9667
482 Diseases of the Colon and Rectum: official journal of the American Society of colon and rectal surgeons 9668
483 Gastroenterology clinics of North America (titlu anterior:"Clinics in gastroenterology") 9682
484 Clinics in Chest Medicine 9683
485 Patient care: la revue du l'omnipraticien et de l'interniste 9685
486 Year book of anesthesia 9690
487 Year book of cancer 9691
488 Year book of cardiology 9692
489 Year book of critical care medicine 9693
490 Year book of dermatology 9694
491 Year book of digestive diseases 9695
492 Year book of emergency medicine 9696
493 Year book of hand surgery 9697
494 Year book of infections diseases 9698
495 Year book of nuclear medicine 9699
496 Year book of obstetrics and gynecology 9700
497 Year book of ophthalmology 9701
498 Year book of otolaryngology: head and neck surgery 9702
499 Year book of pathology and clinical pathology 9703
500 Year book of plastic and reconstructive surgery 9704
501 Year book of psychiatry and applied mental health 9705
502 Year book of pulmonary diseases 9706
503 Year book of rehabilitation 9707
504 Year book of sports medicine 9708
505 Year book of surgery 9709
506 Year book of urology 9710
507 Year book of vascular surgery 9711
508 Drugs 9713
509 Advances in anesthesia 9716
510 Advances in dermatology 9717
511 Advances in otolaringology: head and neck surgery 9718
512 Advances in pediatric infectious diseases 9719
513 Advances in sport medicine and fitness 9720
514 Advances in Trauma 9721
515 Ophthalmology Annual 9722
516 Ultrasound Annual 9723
517 Clinical Neuropharmacology 9724
518 Clinics in Anaesthesiology 9726
519 Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism 9727
520 Clinics in Immunology and Allergy 9728
521 Clinics in Oncology 9729
522 S.I.D.A.: OMS Serie 9731
523 Praktische Geriatrie 9732
524 American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 9735
525 Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 9736
526 Cell 9737
527 Diabetes et metabolisme: revue clinique et biologique: organ officiel de l'ass. de langue franc. pour l'etude de diab. et des malad. metab. 9738
528 Diabetes Care:The journal of Clinical and Applied Research and Education 9739
529 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 9740
530 European journal of drug metabolism pharmacokinetics 9741
531 European Journal of Pediatric Surgery (titlu anterior: "Chirurgie pediatrique") 9742
532 Hepato-Gastroenterology: current medical and surgical trends (Acta hepato-gastroenterologica) 9743
533 Histopathology: official journal of the British division of the internat. Academy of pathology 9744
534 Immunological investigation: a journal of molecular and cellular immunology 9745
535 Journal of clinical neurophysiology: official publication of the American electroencephalographic society 9747
536 Journal of hepatology: the journal of the european Association for the Study of the Liver 9748
537 Journal of medical virology 9749
538 Medical and pediatric oncology: official journal of International Society of pediatric oncology 9750
539 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): La lettre: supplement aux Annales de chirurgie 975E1
540 Pain: the Journal of the international Association for the study of pain 9751
541 Pediatric pulmonology 9752
542 Seminars in hematology 9753
543 Seminars in urologic oncology (titlu anterior: "Seminars in Urology") 9754
544 American journal of kidney: official journal of the National Kidney Foundation 9755
545 American journal of Hypertension: Journal of the American Society of Hypertension 9756
546 Intensive Care Medecine: official journal of the European Society of intensive  care medicine 9757
547 Lettre de l'infectiologue: Le courrier du specialiste 9760
548 Dialysis and Transplantation 9761
549 Cutis/ Cutaneous medecine for the practitioner 9764
550 Digestive Surgery (include rev. "Surgical Gastroenterology") 9765
551 Digestive Diseases: current concepts in research and practice (titlu anterior: "Survey of digestive diseases") 9766
552 Handchirurgie. Mikrochirugie. Plastische Chirurgie 9767
553 Immunologic research: a selective reference to current research and practice (titlu anterior: "Survey of immunology") 9768
554 Molecular endocrinology: official journal of the endocrine society 9771
555 American Journal of physiology: Cell Physiology 9775
556 Soins: revue generale de formation et de perfectionnement infimieres 9776
557 Bulletins du Centre International de l'Enfance 9781
558 Clinical Orthopaedics and related research 9782
559 Cardiology Clinics 9785
560 Orthopedic clinics of North America 9786
561 Otolaryngologic clinics of North America 9787
562 Psychiatric clinics of North America (The) 9788
563 Thymus: international journal of thymology, immunology and clinical immunology 9789
564 Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurologists Association and the child Neurology Society 9790
565 Journal of  American college of cardiology 9791
566 Radiology clinics of North America 9792
567 Urologic clinics of North America 9793
568 Bailliere's Clinical Haematology: International Practice and Research 9794
569 Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology: the international publication of the French Association des Pharmacologiestes 9795
570 Otolaryngology- head and neck surgery: official journal of the American Academy of otolaryngology - head and neck surgery formation 9796
571 Hypertension: American Heart Association 9799
572 Seminars in oncology 9802
573 Health Affairs 9803
574 Nurse managers'Bookshelf: a quarterly series 9805
575 Seminars in chiropractic: a quarterly series 9806
576 Sports injury management: a quarterly series 9807
577 Journal of medical ethics: journal of the Institute of medical Ethics 9808
578 Pediatric infections disease journal: a journal for clinicians 9809
579 Physical therapy: journal of the American physical therapy Association 9811
580 Palliative medecine 9812
581 Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition: official journal of American Society for parenteral and enteral nutrition 9813
582 M.R.I. Decisions: Optimizing diagnosis and Treament with M.R.I. 9814
583 Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 9815
584 Critical Care Medicine: official Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine 9817
585 Heart and Lung the journal of critical care: Official publ. of American Assoc. of critical care nurses 9818
586 Drug investigation 9819
587 Journal of clinical and experimental gerontology 9821
588 Molecular and biochemical parasitology 9824
589 Journal of investigational allergology and clinical immunology: official organ of the international Association of asthmology (INTERASTMA) and Sociedad Latinoamericana de alergia e immunologia 9825
590 Circulatory Shock: an international journal devoted to basic and clinical research on circulatory shock and lowfrow states 9827
591 Clinics in Perinatology 9828
592 Clinical Microbiology Reviews 9832
593 Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy: other Biological response Modifications 9833
594 Pediatric surgery international 9834
595 Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 9837
596 Clinical Endocrinology 9838
597 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology: British Pharmacological Society 9839
598 Burns: the Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries 9840
599 Clinical and experimental dermatology/Official journal of the St.John's dermatological society 9841
600 Urgences medicales: revue europeene d'oxyologie 9843
601 Annales de Readaptation et de Medecine Physique 9845
602 Nephrologie: la societe de nephrologie 9846
603 Science and sport: journal de la medecine sciences et des techniques, activites physiques, sportives et de pratiques corporelles 9848
604 Geriatrie contemporaine 9849
605 Epidemiology and infection (titlu anterior: "The journal of hygiene") 9850
606 Seminars in neurology 9852
607 Seminars in liver disease 9853
608 INSERM actualites: bulletin de l'Institut national de la recherche medicale 9855
609 Journal of structural biology 9856
610 International journal of pancreatology: international Association of pancreatology 9862
611 German journal of ophtalmology 9863
612 Trends in genetics: DNA, differentiation and development 9867
613 Trends in neurosciences 9868
614 Trends in immunology (titlu anterior: "Immunology today") 9873
615 Critical Care Clinics 9877
616 Immunology and allergy clinics of North America 9878
617 Journal of endourology 9880
618 American journal of Otolaringology, Head and Neck medicine and Surgery 9882
619 Lettre du cardiologue (la): Le courirer du specialiste 9883
620 Lettre du gynecologue (la): Le courrier du specialiste 9884
621 Lettre d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale (la): Le courrier du specialiste 9885
622 Lettre du pharmacologue (la): Le courrier du specialiste 9886
623 Lettre du rhumatologue (la): Le courrier du specialiste 9887
624 Cahiers d'etude et de recherches francophones - sante 9888
625 Practical gastroenterology: the Gut, Diabetes and Nutrition: internal medicine edition 9890
626 Internal medicine for the specialist 9891
627 Primary care and cancer: for physicians in family and internal medicine 9892
628 Medical teacher: an international journal of education in the health sciences in collaboration with the Association for medical education in Europe 9895
629 Contemporary Dialysis and Nephrology: the News and issues Magazine of the Renal Care Field 9897
630 Year book of diagnostic radiology 9898
631 Year book of family practice 9899
632 Year book of geriatrics and gerontology 9900
633 Year book of health care management 9901
634 Advances in internal medicine 9902
635 Advances in urology 9903
636 Revue Maghrebine de pediatrie 9907
637 Annales Francaises d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation: Le journal de la Societe Francaise d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation 9909
638 International journal of Epidemiology: official journal of th international epidemiological Association 9910
639 European Journal of Epidemiology 9912
640 Annual Review of Public Health 9913
641 Investigative ophtalmology & visual science 9915
642 American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 9917
643 Clinics in Plastic Surgery: skin cancer restoration: An International Quarterly 9919
644 Cell Growth and Differentiation: the molecular biology journal of the Am. Ass. for Cancer Research 9920
645 Epidemiologic Reviews 9924
646 Critical Care: State of the Art: The Soc. of Critic. Care Medicine 9925
647 Trends in cell biology 9931
648 Current Opinion in Neurobiology 9932
649 Current Opinion in Cell Biology 9933
650 Current Opinion in Immunology 9934
651 Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 9935
652 Current Opinion in Structural Biology 9936
653 Nephrology dialysis transplantation: official publication of the European dialysis and transplant association, European renal association, incorporating proceedings of the european dialysis and transplan association, European renal association 9937
654 Acta chirurgica Austriaca 9941
655 Cardiovascular Imaging 9942
656 Forensic Science international: an international journal dedicated to the applic. of med. and science in the administration of justice 9944
657 Hepatology: official journal of the American Association for the Study of liver deseases 9945
658 Human Pathology 9946
659 Health Education Journal 9949
660 Kidney: a current survey of world literature 9950
661 Journal of  American Society of Echocardiography 9952
662 Acta cardiomiologia: established in 1982 as Cardiomiology 9953
663 Proceedings of the National Science Council Republic of China: parr B: Life sciences 9956
664 Journal of molecular endocrinology: society for endocrinology 9960
665 Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 9963
666 Medical Trends: magazine international pour medecins: diagnotics et traitements 9964
667 Tempo medical 9965
668 Medisearch: revue trimestrielle reservee au corps medical 9966
669 Semper: revue mensuelle reservee au corps medical 9969
670 Higher Education in Europe 9972
671 Current Problems in Surgery 9976
672 Viszeralchirurgie  (titlu anterior: "Aktuelle Chirurgie") 9993
673 Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis 9996
674 Recent advances in anaesthesia and analgesia 9999
675 Recent advances in endocrinology and metabolism 10000
676 Recent advances in haematology 10001
677 Recent advances in surgery 10002
678 Brazilian Journal of Morphological Sciences: Official Organ of the Brazilian Society Of Anatomy 10007
679 Cardiovascular Surgery:oficial Journal of the internat. Soc. for cardiovascular surgery 10010
680 Feuillets de Rdiologie 10011
681 Lettre du cancerologue (la): Le courrier du specialiste 10012
682 Medecine et maladies infectieuses: revue de la societe de pathologie infectieuse de langue francaise 10013
683 Service des etudes medicales: energies sante 10014
684 Medical informatics and the internet in medicine. An international journal of information processing in health care 10029
685 European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology: the official publication of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology 10037
686 Free radical biology and medicine: the official journal of the Oxygen Society 10038
687 Actualites reproduction humaine 10043
688 Reproduction humaine et hormones 10044
689 Q.J.M: monthly journal of the Association of physicians 10053
690 Forum: trends in experimental and clinical medicine 10054
691 American Psychologist 10063
692 Journal of clinical psychiatry 10064
693 Contemporary Psychology: a Journal of Reviews 10065
694 Journal of bone and mineral research: the american society for bone and mineral research 10066
695 Psychological bulletin 10067
696 Pediatric neurology 10068
697 Journal of psychopharmacology: British Association for psychopharmacology 10070
698 Suicide and life-threatening behavior ( titlu anterior: "Life-threatening behavior") 10071
699 Canadian Journal of Diagnosis (the): Canadian Dimensions in Diagnostic medicine (Diagnosis) 10072
700 Retina.The journal of retinal and vitreous diseases 10073
701 Microbiology and molecular biology reviews (formerly microbiological reviews) (titlu anterior: "Microbiological reviews") 10078
702 Basel Institut for Immunology 10079
703 Annales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra 10080
704 Journal of endocrinological investigation: official journal of the italiana society of endocrinology 10083
705 Mechanism of ageing and development 10084
706 Information outlook.The monthly magazine of the special libraries association 10092
707 Scientific Papers: Natural history, Museum, the University of Kansas (titlu anterior: "The University of Kansas: Science bulletin") 10093
708 National science council review 10097
709 Human Reproduction 10105
710 Clinics in Haematology 10107
711 European Journal of Surgical Oncology: the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of surgical oncology 10127
712 Health & Ageing: medicine for the over 50's 10128
713 G.M. - Geriatric medicine: midlife and beyond 10129
714 Lettre du neurologue 10143
715 Eurobiologiste 10146
716 Current Opinion in Cardiology 10148
717 Trends in microbiology 10149
718 Molecular microbiology 10151
719 Statistics in medicine 10152
720 Nuclear medicine communications 10153
721 Transplant international: official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation 10154
722 Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology: official journal of the Scandinavian society for immunology 10155
723 International reviews of immunology 10156
724 Osteoporosis international 10157
725 Bone (formerly metabolic bone disease and related research) 10158
726 Methods: a companion to methods in enzimology 10159
727 Trends in molecular medecine (titlu anterior: "Molecular medecine today") 10160
728 Molecular human reproduction: European society for human reproduction and embriology 10161
729 Human Reproduction Update 10162
730 Human Immunology: official journal of the American Society for histocompatibility and immunogenetics 10163
731 Immunity 10164
732 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology: an internat. j.of rheumat. and connect. tissue diseases 10167
733 Clinical Cancer Research 10168
734 E.M.B.O. Journal (The) (European Molecular Biology Organization) 10169
735 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition: official journal of the European Academy of nutritional sciences 10170
736 European Journal of immunology/ Associated with the European Federation of Immunological Societies 10171
737 European Journal of Surgery (The): Society for the Publication of Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 10172
738 European Radiology: journal of the European Congress of Radiology 10173
739 Annals of Oncology: Official Journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology 10174
740 Journal of immunotherapy: official journal of the Society for Biologica Therapy 10175
741 Journal of hospital infection (the): Hospital Infection Society 10176
742 Investigative radiology: a journal of clinical and laboratory research 10177
743 Leukemia and lymphoma: an international journal 10178
744 Mutation research: fundamental and molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis 10179
745 Bone and Mineral: an International Journal of bone and mineral research 10180
746 Bone Marrow Transplantation 10181
747 Clinical Rheumatology (fost Acta Rheumatologica Belgica) 10182
748 Journal of leucocyte biology 10183
749 European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery: official journal of the European Association for cardio-thoracic surgery 10184
750 European Journal of Cell Biology 10185
751 European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology: official j. of the european Ass. for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy 10186
752 European Respiratory Review: official journal of the European Respiratory Society 10187
753 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis: Journal of the envirnmental mutagen Society 10188
754 Journal of neuroendocrinology 10189
755 AIDS 10190
756 American journal of Neuroradiology 10191
757 Autoimmunity 10192
758 Canadian Journal of Neurological sciences (the) 10193
759 Current Opinion in Pediatrics 10194
760 F.A.S.E.B. Journal (Formerly "Federation Proceedings/American Societies for Experimental Biology) 10195
761 Controlled Clinical Trials: Design, Methods and Analysis: Official journal of the Soc. for Clinical Trials 10196
762 Trends in cardiovascular medecine 10201
763 American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 10202
764 Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 10203
765 Annual Review of Immunology 10204
766 Annual Review of Neuroscience 10205
767 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 10206
768 Annual Review of Physiology 10207
769 Annual Review of Genetics 10210
770 Accomplishmens in cancer research 10211
771 Hepato-Gastro: Actualisations en pathologie digestive 10212
772 Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Fertilite 10218
773 Journal d'economie medicale 10221
774 Journal des maladies vasculaires 10223
775 Revue de medecine du travail et bulletin du grouppment national des medecins du batiment et des travaux publics 10225
776 Laboratory investigation: an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of pathology (titlu anterior: "The bulletin of the international Association of Medical Museums") 10226
777 Cell Proliferation in basic and clinical sciences 10234
778 Journal of pediatric orthopaedics 10237
779 Journal of molecular neuroscience 10238
780 Rheumatology (titlu anterior: "British journal of rheumatology") 10239
781 Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 10240
782 Cell Biochemistry and Function: Cellular biochemistry and its modulation by active agents or disease 10241
783 Journal of sleep research 10243
784 Surgical endoscopy: ultrasound and interventional techniques 10244
785 Pacing and clinical electrophysiology 10245
786 Cell Transplantation: the official journal of the Cell Transplantation Society 10246
787 Cell Biology International 10247
788 Cellular Signalling 10248
789 Cell Death and Differentiation 10249
790 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry: internat. J. and experim. cell. physiol. biochem. and pharm. 10250
791 Molecular biology of the cell (titlu anterior: "Cell regulation") 10252
792 Cytokine: the official journal of the International Cytokine Society 10253
793 Molecular aspects of medecine : a review journal for physicians and biomedical scientists 10254
794 Medical Hypotheses 10255
795 International journal of legal medecine: official publication of the international Academy of legal medecine (titlu anterior: "Zeitschrift fur Rechtsmedizin") 10256
796 Cytopathology 10257
797 European Journal of Echocardiography 10258
798 European Journal of Public Health: official journal of the European Public Health Association 10260
799 Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews (titlu anterior: "Progress in growth factor research") 10261
800 Advances in anatomic Pathology 10262
801 Journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism: official journal of the cerebral blood flow & metabolism 10269
802 Journal of invasive cardiology: the official journal of the international Andreas Gruentzig Society 10270
803 Journal of neurobiology 10272
804 Journal of cellular pathology 10273
805 Hematologie 10274
806 Molecular and cellular neuroscience 10276
807 Molecules and cell: the official publication of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular biology 10277
808 Molecular cell 10278
809 Medical electron mocroscopy: official journal of the clinical electron microscopy society of Japan 10279
810 Progress in neurobiology 10280
811 Echocardiography: a journal of cardiovascular ultrasound and allied techniques 10281
812 News in physiological sciences 10282
813 Neuron 10283
814 Genome (titlu anterior: "Canadian journal of genetics and cytology") 10284
815 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 10285
816 Current Opinion in Hematology 10288
817 American Journal of Physiology: Lung cellular and molecular physiology 10289
818 American journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology 10290
819 American journal of Physiology: Regulatory integrative and comparative physiology 10291
820 Reviews in the neurosciences 10292
821 Journal of  applied psychology 10294
822 Molecular neurobiology 10296
823 Neuromodulation: journal of the international neuromodulation society: official journal of the international functional electrical stimulation society 10299
824 Cell Stress & Chaperones: a comprehensive journal of stress biology and medecine 10300
825 Cell Calcium 10301
826 Cell Communication & Adhesion 10308
827 Journal of neuroscience: an official journal of the Society for neuroscience 10310
828 International journal of biochemistry and cell biology 10311
829 Frontiers in Bioscience: a journal an virtual library 10313
830 Journal of physiology: an international review journal for the neurosciences 10315
831 Apoptosis: An International Journal on Programmed Cell Death 10316
832 Molecular medecine 10319
833 Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 10323
834 International journal of biological markers 10324
835 Journal of cognitive neuroscience 10328
836 Trends in cognitive sciences 10331
837 Journal of electronic resources in medical libraries 10343
838 Traffic 10347
839 International Tinnitus journal: official journal of the Neuroothological and Equilibriometric Society 10349
840 Neorootology Newsletter 10350
841 European journal of Pain: the official journal of the European Federation of chapters the international Associacion for the study of pain (EFIC) 10353
842 Recherche (la): L'Actualite des sciences 10355
843 A.C.P. Medicine: a publication of the American College of Physicians 10359
844 Liver transplantation: official journal of the American Study of liver diseases and the international liver transplantation society 10360
845 Balkan journal of medical genetics-BJMG:International journal of medical genetics 10392
846 Clinics:official scientific journal of hospital das clinicas Sao Paulo university medical school 10393
847 Entre nous:the european magazine for sexual and reproductive health 10394
848 Journal of Neurology : Ofiicial Journal of The European Neurological Society 10408
849 Journal of arthroplasty:official journal of the American association of hip and knee surgeons 10409
850 Journal de Pediatria 10410
851 Research Eu : The Magazine of the European Research Area 10416
852 Electro optics 10417
853 Research Information : Europe's Premier Magazine for Online Content and Information Management 10418
854 Clinical advisor: A forum for nurse practitioners 10419
855 Clinical Reviews : A Peer-Reviewed Journal Reporting on the Latest Advances in Medecine 10420
856 Nurse practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Healthcare (The) 10421
857 Bulletin du Cancer: radiotherapie; J. de la Soc. Franc. du Cancer; Org. de la Soc. Franc. de radioth. 1004 A
858 Gynecologic investigation: international journal of the science of reproduction (succesor to Gynaecologia) 101 A
859 Current Awarness in Biomedecine from Sheffield: Immunohistochemistry 10236 A
860 Current Awarness In Biomedecine form Sheffield: Nerves Cell Biology 10236 B
861 Current Awarness in Biomedecine from Sheffield: Cell Membranes 10236 C
862 Roentgenpraxis 119A
863 Bibliotheca Anatomica 1542A
864 Acta anaesthesiologica Belgica: organ de la sante d'anaestesiologie de la societe Belge de chirurgie 1560A
865 Bibliotheca ophthalmologica: supliment la Ophthalmologica (Zeitschrift fur Augenheilkunde) 1632A
866 Annales Universitatis Marie Curie Sklodowska 1660A
867 Annales Univeritatis Marie Curie Sklodowska: seria biologia 1660C
868 Bulletin de l'Association des gynecologues et d'obstetriciens 182A
869 Biologie et Gastro-enterologie 184A
870 Nature medicine 2064 I
871 Nature: physical science 2064A
872 Nature: new biology 2064B
873 Nature reviews: genetics 2064C
874 Nature reviews: neuroscience 2064D
875 Nature neuroscience 2064E
876 Nature: genetics 2064F
877 Nature: structural biology: molecular form and function 2064G
878 Nature reviews: molecular cell biology 2064H
879 Acta psychiatrica Belgica 2113 A
880 Revue du praticien (La): medecine generale 2205A
881 Concours medical: Documentation medicale permanente 2216B
882 Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux: pratique 233A
883 Acta Oto-laringologica (suplimente) 257A
884 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis 258A
885 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie 258B
886 Acta Paediatrica: an International journal of paediatrics - Supplement 2928A
887 Year book of orthopedics and traumatic surgery 2992A
888 Year book of neurology, psychiatry and neurosurgery 2992B
889 Annales de Microbiologie (Annales de l'Institut Pasteur) 2A+B
890 Annales d'Immunologie (Ann.d'Institut Pasteur) 2C+D
891 Annales de Virologie (Annales D'Institut Pasteur) 2E
892 Cell and tissue research 306B
893 Journal of  American Medical Association (J.A.M.A.) (edition francaise) 308A
894 Journal of  American Medical Association (edition hospitaliere) (edition francaise) 308H
895 European Neurology (continua "Psychiatria et Neurologia") 3239 A
896 Psychiatria clinica (successor to section of "Psychiatria et Neurologia) 3239 B
897 Psychopharmacology 3305A
898 Year book of medicine 3319A
899 Year book of radiology 3319B
900 Year book of general medicne 3319C
901 Bulletin Medical Britannique (serie francaise) 3352A
902 Journal de toxicologie clinique et experimentale (titlu anterior: "Journal de toxicologie medicale") 3390A
903 Zentralblatt fur Mikrobiologie 33A
904 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskranheiten: referate 33bis
905 Neurochirurgie: suplimente la "Fortschrite der Neurologie und Psychiatrie" 409B
906 Acta radiologica. Therapy physics biology 4309 A
907 Acta endocrinologica (suplimente) 4437 A
908 Index medicul cumulated 46A
909 Index Medicus National library of medicine 46bis
910 Planning familial en Europe: bulletin d'information regional Europe 4723A
911 Hungarian medical bibliography: Abstracts 4842A
912 Developmental brain research 4949A
913 Brain research reviews 4949B
914 Scientific World 4973A
915 Journals of gerontology: serie A: biological sciences and medical sciences (titlu anterior: "Journal of gerontology") 5317A
916 Journals of gerontology: series B: psychological sciences and social sciences 5317B
917 Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Scandinavica (suplimente) 577 A
918 International journal of cancer: predictive oncology 6116A
919 International jounal of cancer: radiation oncology 6116B
920 Journal of orthopaedic surgery 61A
921 Materia medica polona: the polish journal of medical and pharmacy 6592A
922 Joint, bone, spine: revue du rhumatisme: official publication of the French Society of rheumatology (ed. Internat.) (titlu anterior: "Revue du rhumatisme") 662A
923 Journal of bone and joint surgery: owned and published by the American orthopedic association 730A
924 Journal of bone and joint surgery: british volume 730B
925 Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon (the): official organ of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery 7312A
926 Hepato-Gastro-Entrologie 7316A
927 World Health Statistics (titlu anterior: "Epidemiological and vital statistics report") 746A
928 Postgraduate medicine 781A
929 Neurosurgical Biblio-index: supplement to the "Journal of Neurosurgery" 792A
930 S.G.I. Quarterly 8461A
931 World health Forum: an international journal of health development 9250A
932 Bichemical Society Transactions 940A
933 Acta physiologica Scandinavica (suplimente) 966 A
934 Journal of internal medicine (titlu anterior: "Acta medica Scandinavica"): supplements 969A
935 Cell Neuron: review supplement to Cell 9737A
936 Semaine medicale professionnelle et medicaux sociales: supplement la "Semaine des hopitaux" 975A
937 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): Informations (supplement de la Semaine des Hopitaux) 975B
938 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): medecine dans le monde 975C
939 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): pathologie et biologie 975D
940 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): Annales de chirurgie 975E
941 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): Annales de pediatrie 975G
942 Annales de radiologie, radiologie clinique, radiobiologie 975H
943 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): Annales de genetique 975I
944 Semaine des hopitaux de Paris (La): Semaine therapeuthique 975J
945 Soins: gynecologie, obstetrique, puericulture, pediatrie: revue specialisee de formation et de perfectionnement infirmieres 9776A
946 Soins: chirurgie: revue specialise de formation et de perfectionnement infimieres 9776B
947 Acta myologica(myopathies and cardiomyopathies) 9953A
948 Enseignement superieur en Europe 9972A
949 Acta dermato-venereologica.International journal for skin research,clinical dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases P3171
950 Acta dermato-venereologica.Supplementum P3171A
951 Computers and Biomedical Research-vezi Journal of biomedical research